Fanpics App gives every fan their own story. We use robo-magical camera technology to capture fans celebrating during key moments during the game. Then all you have to do is enter your seat number into the app, and all the photos are yours.

Product Roadmap
Story Sharing
The option to a link (“Story”) vs. a photo allows users to drive people back to a mobile-optimized web experience to see all of their content.
Users can choose between a “story” link and a single photo. When the story is shared, a cover photo should be present. Users can make it “private”. Should be able to track additional traffic from link shares uniquely

Curated Video
The ability to insert video into users’ streams. It can be used for both curated and video advertising.
Insert videos into user streams for curated content or ads. Videos auto-play on swipe, are added via Storybuilder, and can include interactive elements or overlays. Button clicks and video views are trackable.
Capture and share game-day moments instantly
User Generated Content:
The Fanpics camera, activated on game days, lets you effortlessly record photos and videos. Easily switch between front and back cameras to capture the action from any angle. Your content will be automatically added to the game's timeline, chronologically ordered.
Quick-Switch Video Capture
Common use cases would be videoing the player running down the field and scoring a goal. Then, you quickly flip the camera towards you to record your celebration. The output is just sequential video; an example of an everyday use case is below. This would be one 13-second video captured.
Fans can capture and edit game highlights, saving them to the specific game or their device. A dual-capture interface allows for seamless switching between front and back cameras.

Story Builder App


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